Our vision for the Richard Boyd Empowerment Pathway Fellowship Program is to grow a culture of formerly incarcerated community organizers and leaders to lead the movement for mass liberation and begin that work here at home in Contra Costa County. We want to empower leaders who will advocate and speak truth to power, analyze and put together data, tell the story of truth, and light the path for others to follow in their footsteps as they boldly lead us to a new future and way of living.
Richard Boyd Fellowship (RBF) Empowerment Pathways Program for formerly incarcerated individuals transforms the lives of participants, their loved ones, families, friends, and those around them. Throughout the course of a year, fellows gain marketable skillsets with exposure to professionalism that will lead to personal healing, transformation, and growth. We empower leaders who will advocate and speak truth to power, leading the movement for mass liberation. Our facilitators guide the fellows on building a base of power within civic, social, and economic levels in community action and civic engagement strategies to become successful leaders within the community.
A paid opportunity to transform your life and the lives of others!
During the fellowship, participants gain marketable skillsets with exposure to professionalism that will lead to personal healing and transformation. Safe Return Project empowers leaders who will advocate and speak truth to power, leading the movement for mass liberation. The program gives people a chance to grow by getting involved in social justice movements and community organizations, developing communication skills, and developing leadership in community action and civic engagement strategies.
Where transformative healing begins...